We invite you to join us on a very special journey. The Sahara Karawane – a desert hike through the Moroccan Sahara.
Walking to become still: a journey from diversity and abundance to stillness and towards yourself.

The Sahara desert is a place for special experiences of vastness and silence. The barrenness has a calming effect on our minds. This allows essential things to become clearer.

With our Sahara Caravan, you can have this special experience in the protected setting of a group of like-minded people.

Local Berber nomads, who are at home in the desert, take care of the dromedaries, the night camp and the food. Isabel Viramo von Roon, a German-speaking tour guide accompanies you on some tours.

Our hikes are led by Brahim, the desert guide, who speaks German and is happy to explain and show his guests everything.

The trip begins and ends in enchanting Marrakesch (or in the desert town of Ouarzazate) and includes two nights in a hotel in Marrakech (or Ouarzazate) and two nights in Zagora as well as varying numbers of days and nights of desert trekking with dromedaries and overnight stays either in the open air (in the 1000-star hotel) or in tents.

This is not a sporting or tourist trip, but rather a spiritual and adventurous hike towards yourself.


Here you will find details about our next desert hikes

The following offers are declarations of intent and we naturally hope that they can take place as planned.

28. Februar bis 11. März 2025
Desert-Retreat accompanied by Isabel und Brahim, Walking in silence, Meditation, Sharings (open for meditators only)
8 days and 7 nights in the desert
Price: € 2.000,00

14. November bis 25. November 2025
Desert-Retreat accompanied by Isabel und Brahim, Walking in silence, Meditation, Sharings (open for meditators only)
8 days and 7 nights in the desert
Price: € 2.000,00

24. Oktober bis 4. November 2025
Desert-Retreat accompanied by Isabel und Brahim, Walking in silence, Meditation, Sharings (open for meditators only)
8 days and 7 nights in the desert
Price: € 2.000,00

October 2025 – Februar 2026
Trekking Tours with Brahim, joy in walking, coming to know Berber culture and all the interesting  phenomena of nature in the Sahara
duration and price to be  negotiated

02. – 13. Februar 2026
Desert-Retreat accompanied by Isabel und Brahim, Walking in silence, Meditation, Sharings (open for meditators only)
8 days and 7 nights in the desert
Price: € 2.200,00

  • Individual tours at any time, both with the dromedaires and with our own 4×4 off-road vehicle (prices depend on duration – please ask)

    The price includes…

    … all transfer and hotel costs (overnight stays + breakfast) from/to Marrakech/Ouarzazate as well as full board in the “thousand-star hotel” in the desert.

    … the tour management and organization, the camel guides and of course the pack animals.

    Not included are…

    … the travel costs from your place of residence to the hotel in Marrakech / Ouarzazate. There are also small costs for restaurant visits on arrival and departure, for individual airport transfers as well as for tips and of course for your personal (souvenir) purchases.

    In the period between October and April, Brahim is also happy to organize individual desert trips for you, the time frame can be tailored to your needs. Of course, we can also organize desert trips GUT ZU WISSEN

    Other countries – other customs …

    Before embarking on such a trip, it is good to realize that we are traveling as guests to a foreign culture and that we should at least know the rules that apply there. The desert dwellers are devout people, Islam in its most peaceful form is a matter close to their hearts. They are very value-oriented and live in mutual respect.

    with off-road vehicles for you.

the desert migration

Important information can be found here:

do you have any questions?


Our guests should like to move and enjoy hiking. Parts of the tour take us through rocky mountains and it goes uphill and downhill. Sore muscles on the 2nd and 3rd day are not uncommon.

We will mainly be outdoors and there will be large temperature fluctuations, in the evenings and at night it can be quite cold. It is therefore advisable to dress in layers. Occasionally it can be very windy and occasionally it can rain.

You should enjoy the simple life and be able to sit well on the ground.

Alcohol and drugs

The Berbers do not drink alcohol as a matter of principle and so there will be no alcoholic drinks in our provisions. Instead, sweet, strong Berber tea is prepared at every opportunity – enriched with all kinds of aromatic herbs collected along the way.

Even when the nomads are out and about with their animals, tea is a must.


… are customary and welcome in Morocco. A total of 150 euros could serve as a guide.

It is possible that we will meet nomadic families on the hike in the desert and be invited there for tea. In this case, too, our support is certainly welcome.

Safety / Health

Compared to other North African countries, Morocco is safe. There were individual attacks in Marrakech and Casablanca years ago, but the government under King Mohammed VI has successfully cracked down on radical elements. The previously high crime rate, which tourists rightly feared, has also been successfully combated.

On our trip, we are accompanied by local guides from the first to the last day and do not have to expose ourselves to any risks.

There are also no health risks in Morocco, such as Ebola. We will carry a normal first-aid kit – you should take blister plasters for your feet and the usual medication (see packing list).

It is not advisable to drink unfiltered well water in the desert. However, it is completely safe to drink as tea or cooked in food. We will carry enough good drinking water.

In the desert, you always go from well to well - some are now solar-powered


Your insurance is always your own responsibility. Please make sure you have travel health insurance, as this is a prerequisite for taking part in our trips.

© 2024 Isabel von Roon