Here you will find details about our next desert hikes

The following offers are declarations of intent and we naturally hope that they can take place as planned.

October 5th to October 27th, 2024
Desert trekking accompanied by Brahim – booked up –
– booked up –

November 4th to November 15th, 2024
Desert retreat accompanied by Isabel and Brahim, walking in silence, guided meditations, exchange sessions (only for people with meditation and retreat experience)
8 days and 7 nights in the desert,
Price: € 1,800.00

November 22nd to December 3rd, 2024
Desert trekking accompanied by Brahim, joy in walking, Berber culture, being still and the many interesting natural features of the Sahara
8 days and 7 nights in the desert,
Price: €1,800.00

  • Individual tours at any time, both with the dromedaires and with our own 4×4 off-road vehicle (prices depend on duration – please ask)

    The price includes…

    … all transfer and hotel costs (overnight stays + breakfast) from/to Marrakech/Ouarzazate as well as full board in the “thousand-star hotel” in the desert.

    … the tour management and organization, the camel guides and of course the pack animals.

    Not included are…

    … the travel costs from your place of residence to the hotel in Marrakech / Ouarzazate. There are also small costs for restaurant visits on arrival and departure, for individual airport transfers as well as for tips and of course for your personal (souvenir) purchases.

    In the period between October and April, Brahim is also happy to organize individual desert trips for you, the time frame can be tailored to your needs. Of course, we can also organize desert trips GUT ZU WISSEN

    Andere Länder – andere Sitten …

    Es ist gut, sich vor Beginn einer solchen Reise zu verdeutlichen, dass wir als Gäste in eine fremde Kultur reisen und dass wir die dort geltenden Regeln zumindest kennen sollten. Die Wüstenbewohner sind gläubige Menschen, der Islam in seiner friedlichsten Form ist ihnen eine Herzensangelegenheit. Sie leben sehr werteorientiert im gegenseitigen Respekt.

    with off-road vehicles for you.

© 2024 Isabel von Roon