Desert magic in Morocco

The characteristics of the desert are its vastness and its silence, there seems to be nothing here, only landscape, wide landscape.
We come from our Western world, where there is too much – far too much – abundance of everything. Too many things, too much noise, too much food and drink, too many appointments, too much stress…
The Sahara desert offers you a wide space in which you can find yourself, become still. And with the stillness, a deep inner happiness can arise.
People have always sought and found wisdom and inner peace in the desert.


Sahara Karawane buchen

I have always loved the desert, said the little prince.
You sit on a sand dune.
You see nothing, you hear nothing.
And meanwhile something shines in the silence.
Antoine de St Exupéry

At first glance there is not much life here, few plants and animals, almost no people. But if we take a closer look, we can discover a lot, especially since the heavy rains last November, the Sahara has turned green.

Aman iyman say the Berbers, water is life. If you expose yourself to the demands of simple life you can gain a lot. A new perspective on everyday life with its habits that dominate us and keep us captive. Here in the desert you don’t need a cellphone, a watch or a mirror.

You can simply BE. You can be SIMPLE.

Sahara Karawane buchen 2024
Sahara Karawane buchen

Full moon in the mountains – bright and still – enchanted world

No man can live in the desert and remain untouched by it. From now on, even if it is hardly noticeable, he will bear the mark of the desert, the mark of the nomad; and he will always, depending on his predisposition, feel a faint or burning homesickness for that life. For this relentless land casts a spell which a temperate climate has nothing to oppose. Wilfred Thesiger

The nomads are baking fresh bread under the fire

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